Our solutions

Explore our comprehensive solutions designed to empower organizations and leadership teams to thrive in today's dynamic landscape.

From the Change Fitness Tool (CFiT), illuminating blind spots and enhancing change readiness, to the Cognitive Bias Awareness Tool (CBAT), providing invaluable insights for informed decision-making, our offerings are meticulously crafted to drive success and resilience.

Cognitive Bias Awareness Tool (CBAT)

Cognitive biases are natural mental processes that affect how we make decisions, often without us realizing. This can lead to flawed judgments, even among competent leaders. Our CBAT survey tool tackles this challenge by increasing awareness of biases and improving decision-making processes.

We aim to empower team leaders by providing data-driven insights into group decision-making behaviours. CBAT supplements intuition and experience with measurable insights, enhancing leaders' ability to guide and coach their teams effectively.

Change Fitness Tool (CFiT)

Understanding how your organization responds to change isn't always straightforward, especially for leadership teams.

CFiT provides clarity by assessing your organization's change readiness. It reveals alignment and potential gaps in perceived capability between the board and executive team. This process synchronizes perspectives and priorities, enhancing the effectiveness of specific or systemic changes needed by your organization.