Cognadi Systems

Reflect Today, Transform Tomorrow

Guiding leadership teams towards success

Cognadi Systems stands for Cognitive Awareness Decision Insight, reflecting our commitment to exploring the intricate relationship between individuals, groups, and organizations through a systems psychodynamic approach.

Our mission is clear: to elevate leadership team performance through heightened self-awareness, alignment, and group dynamics. Our proprietary algorithms synchronize and supplement intuition and experience with data, enabling more mindful and purposeful decision-making.

With our tailored assessment modules, leadership teams gain invaluable insights to make better judgments and team-based decisions. Our approach involves surveying board members, executives, and leaders, organizing responses into customized assessments that reveal alignment and individual impact on performance.

Our solutions

Our offerings are meticulously crafted to elevate organizational effectiveness and leadership prowess.

From the Change Fitness Tool (CFiT) illuminating blind spots to the Cognitive Bias Awareness Tool (CBAT) enhancing decision-making, our solutions empower you to navigate complexities with confidence and clarity.

Cognitive Bias Awareness Tool (CBAT)

Our CBAT survey tool tackles this challenge by increasing awareness of biases and improving decision-making processes.

Change Fitness Tool (CFiT)

CFiT provides clarity by assessing your organization's change readiness. It reveals alignment and potential gaps in perceived capability between the board and executive team.

Book a consultation

Book a complimentary consultation with Cognadi Systems to explore how our solutions can enhance your leadership journey.

Future products

Unlock the future of leadership with our upcoming tools. From portfolio governance insights to ethical reflection profiles, stay ahead with innovative tools designed to elevate decision-making and drive organizational success

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Why choose us?

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Redefining excellence in leadership assessment

We redefine excellence with our unique group-based analysis for leadership assessment. Our products stand out as sophisticated tools engineered to propel teams towards success.


Challenging tradition with intuitive tools

Our assessment tools are scientific solutions that promote swift learning, data security and efficient use. They complement experience and expertise.


Innovative leadership solutions

We embrace innovation and unconventional thinking, injecting a dose of creativity into every aspect of our services.