Cognitive Bias Awareness Tool (CBAT)

Understanding cognitive biases

Cognitive biases are unconscious mental processes that shape our judgment and decision-making. While they serve to facilitate quick decision-making, they can also compromise our ability to make rational judgments.

Challenges for senior leadership

Senior leadership teams face the challenge of dealing with cognitive biases, which are inherent and often unseen aspects of human behaviour. Despite their competence, leaders may unknowingly make flawed decisions, believing they are acting in the best interest of the organization.

Introducing CBAT: Cognitive Bias Awareness Tool

Our CBAT survey instrument is meticulously crafted to identify areas for improvement by enhancing awareness of biases and refining decision-making processes. By addressing the level of bias awareness, we aim to enhance board engagement, decision quality, and overall effectiveness.

Enhancing leadership abilities

CBAT's primary objective is to empower team leaders to guide, coach, and lead their groups more effectively. By providing data-centric insights into group-based decision-making behaviours, CBAT supplements leaders' intuition, experience, and judgment, offering previously unmeasurable insights.

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