Understanding organizational change dynamics

Typically, the way an organization resists or responds to change is not obvious to everyone in an organization. This is especially true for the board and the executive leadership team. Blind spots within and between the board and the executive team can have a significant negative impact on the organization’s ability to adapt to internal and external change.

Assessing change readiness

When you assess change readiness correctly, you should get a clear picture of how well the board and executive team are aligned on change, as well as identifying any potential gaps in perceived capability.

Introducing the Change Fitness Tool (CFiT)

The Change Fitness Tool (CFiT) offers a solution to this challenge by enabling the board and executive team to assess the organization's current level of change readiness. By leveraging CFiT, organizations gain clarity and confidence in their readiness to navigate change.

Facilitating effective change

CFiT facilitates a process of synchronizing perspectives and priorities between the board and executive team. This synchronization enhances the organization's ability to implement specific or systemic changes required for growth and adaptation.

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