SynchroniZed leadership equals better outcomes

Offering leadership teams a unique advantage

Our online platform and assessment modules help leadership teams make better judgements and team-based decisions more mindfully and purposefully. It helps decision-teams to more effectively direct their drive, energy, and influence to create better outcomes for their organization.

Our mission

To help leadership teams improve their performance through greater self-awareness, alignment, and group dynamics.

Our proprietary algorithms synchronize and supplement a leadership team’s intuition and experience with data.

Our approach

application icon

Our applications

survey board members, executive teams, and other leadership groups on a variety of topics to develop an understanding of team-based perceptions and beliefs.

Our algorithms

Our algorithms

organize and present information about a particular topic in a way that is uniquely tailored to each leadership group based on their survey response.

our products

Our products

offer a customized assessment on the degree of alignment between the views of board and senior leadership team; and how individual(s) assessments and beliefs potentially impact performance.

Our philosophy

We assess a leadership team's overall level of alignment, reflection, and degree of belief in their effectiveness as a decision-making group.

Our assessments are anonymous because we seek unfiltered and politically neutral responses on the collective perception of a team’s performance.

The assessments take less than 5 minutes to complete and are designed to provide user-friendly participation through multiple devices.

We focus on providing inquiry-based learning and development opportunities to improve a team’s self-awareness, motivation, and performance. The assessments modules are designed to be used in-house as a self-diagnostic tool.

Our research suggests ‘one-off’ snapshots have limited value

We believe that it takes iterative assessments over time to form a clear and measurable understanding of team dynamics.

Traditional ‘one-off’ assessments based on individual self-assessment is less effective in group-based situations as they only provide a ‘snapshot’ in time and examine issues through the lens of a single reference.

What is required is a movie – an iterative process that allows you to re-assess and calibrate team performance through multiple lens to changing contextual challenges and environments over time.

Our survey assessment modules are based on a two-step process:

step 1

Step 1

We assess the level of shared understanding on key dimensions that impact team performance versus their degree of belief in the likelihood that higher levels awareness on these dimensions will have a positive impact on performance.

step 2

Step 2

The assessment tool then identifies and analyses key gaps in a teams’ perspective to address issues before they become problematic, saving time and energy, and increasing the likelihood of improving the team performance.

Typically, the way a leadership team and their organization resist or responds to change is not obvious to everyone in an organization. This is especially true for the board and the executive leadership team. Blind spots within and between leadership teams can have a significant negative impact on the organization’s ability to competitively adapt to change.

Our solutions

Cognitive Bias Awareness Tool (CBAT)

Our CBAT survey tool tackles this challenge by increasing awareness of biases and improving decision-making processes.

Change Fitness Tool (CFiT)

CFiT provides clarity by assessing your organization's change readiness. It reveals alignment and potential gaps in perceived capability between the board and executive team.

Our Team

Steve Mullinjer

Steve Mullinjer

Steve’s is a leadership consultant focused on cognitive bias and decision support for leadership teams and boards.

Steve has served as a board advisory specialist in London and was the Regional Head of a global leadership advisory firm in Asia Pacific and Middle East earlier in his career. He led the firm’s market entry strategy into China, and spearheaded strategic acquisitions in Dubai, Australia, and China.

He served as a board member of a web-based talent management system, that was sold to Chinese investors and served as Vice-Chair and board member of the Association of Executive Search Consultants (AESC) 2016-2018.

Steve is an Australian national who speaks fluent Mandarin having lived and worked in China and broader Asia Pacific for 30 years.

A J Myers

Dr Andrew Myers

Leadership Research Consultant

Over the last two decades Andrew has worked as a leadership research consultant, building on skills from academia and his experience as a data scientist and management consultant.

He has worked with multiple clients across the globe in both private and public sectors; focusing on defining and measuring high performance leadership, understanding the impact of NEDs on board performance, and identifying key issues that have helped define leadership development programmes for the next generation of leaders.


Professor Andrew Kakabadse

Andrew is a senior advisor and mentor to Cognadi Systems. He is a distinguished expert in governance and leadership, who has conducted extensive global studies across 20,000 organizations spanning 41 countries. Andrew’s expertise focuses on critical areas such as board performance, governance, leadership, and policy. He has authored 45 books and penned over 250 scholarly articles. Notably, his bestselling works include titles like The Politics of Management and Leadership Intelligence: The 5Qs.

Beyond academia, Andrew’s expertise extends to consulting for various governments and influencing public policy. He was recognised in Who’s Who and is a life member of the Thinkers 50 Hall of Fame. Andrew has held visiting positions at institutions such as Macquarie University (Sydney), the Center for Creative Leadership (USA), and Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas.